Quality Assurance Institute

Universitas Islam Riau

Quality Assurance Institute

Universitas Islam Riau


Becoming a professional institution in implementing quality assurance and cultivating a culture of quality to realize Universitas Islam Riau as a World-Class University based on Iman and Taqwa.


  1. Fostering and cultivating a culture of quality within every unit within the Universitas Islam Riau community.
  2. Establishing and developing a model quality assurance system.
  3. Ensuring the implementation of the quality assurance system model within the Universitas Islam Riau community.
  4. Ensuring the evaluation of the quality assurance system model runs smoothly.
  5. Continuously making improvements to achieve the implementation and quality assurance system.
  6. Ensuring the attainment of institutional accreditation and program accreditation in line with Universitas Islam Riau’s quality objectives.
  7. Ensuring customer satisfaction and stakeholder needs are met within Universitas Islam Riau.

Organizational Structure

Principal Duties

Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit:

  1. Responsible for implementing the quality assurance system within the UIR environment.
  2. Compiling and proposing the Annual Work Plan and Budget (RKAT) of the Quality Assurance Unit.
  3. Planning, drafting, formulating, and coordinating the implementation of programs related to the quality assurance system.
  4. Coordinating the development of models and documents related to quality assurance.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of the quality assurance system.
  6. Determining and approving manuscripts/documents related to the quality assurance system in accordance with the authority.
  7. Coordinating the development of the quality assurance information system.
  8. Periodically reporting to the Rector on the implementation of quality assurance, including monitoring, evaluation, and audits results, to determine follow-up actions for improvement and enhancement of UIR’s quality.

Head of Internal Quality Assurance System Division:

  1. Assisting the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in formulating, drafting, socializing, coordinating the implementation, and overseeing the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS).
  2. Preparation of proposals for the Annual Work Plan and Budget for all activities related to the IQAS.
  3. Formulation of IQAS policies in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and higher education standards.
  4. Drafting reference documents for the IQAS Manual, Standards, and Forms.
  5. Coordination of the preparation of quality documents and tools required for the implementation of academic and non-academic quality assurance.
  6. Conducting continuous socialization and internalization of the IQAS to the academic community.
  7. Coordinating the implementation of academic and non-academic quality assurance with all work units.
  8. Performing other tasks assigned by the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in accordance with its duties and functions.

Head of Monitoring and Internal Quality Audit Division:

  1. Assisting the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in planning, drafting, implementing, monitoring, and coordinating activities related to Monitoring and Internal Quality Audit (Monev and Audit Mutu Internal).
  2. Preparation of the Annual Work Plan and Budget for all activities related to monitoring and internal quality audit.
  3. Formulation of the basic framework for the implementation of monitoring and internal quality audit for the university, faculties, study programs, and work units.
  4. Preparation of operational guidelines for the implementation of monitoring and internal quality audit.
  5. Recruitment of internal auditors as needed.
  6. Conducting periodic training for internal auditors.
  7. Coordinating the Quality Assurance Unit and Audit Team in implementing monitoring and internal quality audit.
  8. Analysis of the results of monitoring and internal quality audit.
  9. Conducting Management Review Meetings (RTM) on the findings of monitoring and internal quality audit.
  10. Development of the Performance Information System for Lecturers (SIKADO) and the Internal Quality Audit Information System (SIAMI).
  11. Performing other tasks assigned by the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in accordance with its duties and functions.

Head of External Quality Assurance System Division (SPME):

  1. Assisting the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in carrying out activities related to Accreditation.
  2. Preparation of the Annual Work Plan and Budget for Accreditation activities.
  3. Formulation of guidelines for compiling accreditation forms for study programs and universities.
  4. Formulation of guidelines for submitting re-accreditation for study programs and universities based on online platforms.
  5. Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for accompanying the compilation of accreditation forms, simulation of visitations for study programs and universities.
  6. Coordinating the accreditation validity period for Study Programs.
  7. Preparation of the annual schedule for simulation visitations for accreditation of study programs and universities.
  8. Facilitating the implementation of compiling accreditation forms, simulation of visitations for study programs and universities.
  9. Reporting the process and results of accompanying study programs and universities to the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit.
  10. Performing other tasks assigned by the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in accordance with its duties and functions.

Head of Education and Learning Development Division:

  1. Assisting the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in formulating, drafting, socializing, and coordinating the implementation of activities related to Education and Learning Development.
  2. Preparing the Annual Work Plan (RKT) and Annual Budget Plan (RKAT) for all activities related to Education and Learning Development.
  3. Facilitating the formulation of policies for education and learning development.
  4. Formulating guidelines for curriculum development.
  5. Implementing socialization of regulations and policies for education and learning.
  6. Facilitating the schedule for accompanying curriculum development.
  7. Performing other tasks assigned by the Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Unit in accordance with its duties and functions.