SPMI Documents
Universitas Islam Riau has a quality document that serves as a reference for the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.
This quality document has a tiered level, namely at the University level and Faculty level. Universitas Islam Riau’s quality documents have developed since 2012 (since the establishment of the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Control (LP2KM) of Universitas Islam Riau). Universitas Islam Riau runs SPMI which is contained in quality documents, namely Quality Policy, Quality Standards, Quality Manual, Quality Procedures and forms. The quality documents are assembled in the Riau Islamic University Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) book which is evaluated annually by adjusting regulatory developments and the macro and micro environment.
Quality policy documents at Riau Islamic University in 2016 include SPMI policy, learning policy, research policy, community service and publication, functional position acceleration policy, institutional development policy. With the issuance of Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020, the SPMI Policy has been stipulated in the Rector Decree No.346/Kep.Rek./9/2020 concerning the Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) of Universitas Islam Riau.
In 2021, SPMI 2020 was reviewed by the UGM Quality Assurance Office as a form of benchmarking and in 2021 by the Widya Mandala Surabaya University Quality Assurance Office, so that the 2021 SPMI was determined with improved Key Performance Indicators with Chancellor Decree No.167/Kep./Rek/.4/2021.